Scipion - translation to french
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Scipion - translation to french

Cornelii; Cornelius (Ancient Roman nomen); Cornelius (nomen); Gens Cornelia; Gaius Cethegus; Scipiones; Cornelii Scipiones; Cornelia Pompeia; Scipion; Cornelia Pompeia Magna; Cornelius (gens); Publius Cornelius Cethegus; Cornelii Lentuli; Aulus Cornelius Cossus (consul 343 BC); Publius Cornelius Cethegus (disambiguation); Cornelii Sullae; Lucius Cornelius Lentulus (consul 130 BC); Cornelii Taciti; Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (consul 18 BC); Publius Cornelius Lentulus (consul 27); Cornelii Cinnae; Marcus Cornelus Cethegus; Gnaeus Cornelius Blasio (praetor 194 BC); Publius Cornelius Mammula; Servius Cornelius Lentulus; Cornelius Lentulus; Cornelia (gens); Lucius Cornelius Cinna (suffect consul); Lucius Cornelius Cinna (suffect consul 32 BC); Marcus Cornelius Maluginensis (consul 436 BC); Servius Cornelius Cossus; Cornelii Dolabelli; Cornelii Dolabellae; Cornelii Cethegi; Publius Cornelius Cethegus (senator); Faustus Cornelius Sulla (grandson of Sulla); Cornelii Rufini; Lucius Cornelius Cinna (consul 32 BC); Cornelii Balbi
  • As]] of Lucius Cornelius Cinna (here spelt Cina), minted between 169 and 158 BC.  The obverse depicts the head of Janus, while the reverse shows a prow.
  • Phrygian]] helmet, while the reverse possible depicts young [[Dionysus]] riding a he-goat.
  • 349x349px
  • Entrance to the [[Tomb of the Scipios]] at Rome.
  • House of Cornelius Rufus, Pompeii
  • Monument of Gaius Cornelius Calvus, and his brother, Lucius.

Scipion, family name


Cornelia gens

The gens Cornelia was one of the greatest patrician houses at ancient Rome. For more than seven hundred years, from the early decades of the Republic to the third century AD, the Cornelii produced more eminent statesmen and generals than any other gens. At least seventy-five consuls under the Republic were members of this family, beginning with Servius Cornelius Maluginensis in 485 BC. Together with the Aemilii, Claudii, Fabii, Manlii, and Valerii, the Cornelii were almost certainly numbered among the gentes maiores, the most important and powerful families of Rome, who for centuries dominated the Republican magistracies. All of the major branches of the Cornelian gens were patrician, but there were also plebeian Cornelii, at least some of whom were descended from freedmen.

Examples of use of Scipion
1. Scipion, lui, poursuivit ses conquętes jusquen Syrie.
2. Scipion envahit lEspagne qui était aux mains de Carthage.
3. Scipion qui se croyait invincible néchappa aux complots des Romains.
4. Cest Publius Cornelius Scipion qui va prendre la direction de la guerre contre Hannibal.
5. Pour combler cette lacune, Scipion capital sous–pond';re fortement le géant économique du continent.